Year 5 
Welcome to the Year 5 page 2024-2025. Year 5 consists of two classes:
Elm and Sycamore.
Elm Class is taught by Mrs Burke, with Mrs Edwards as the class teaching assistant.
Sycamore is taught by Miss Thompson, with Mrs Redman as the class teaching assistant.
Please keep your eyes on this page as we share aspects of your child's learning and experiences throughout the year, as well as letters and updates relevant to Year 5.
Art letter for parents.Personal Hygiene Assembly slides
Curriculum Overviews
Children should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes, 5 times per week. By Year 5, this should mainly be independent; however, we recommend that on occasions they read aloud to an adult so that the adult can check their understanding (comprehension and inference) by asking some questions on what they have just read.
On completion of their reading book, children are expected to take a quiz on that book. QR codes are in their reading records to enable children to take quizzes at home if they wish.
Every child that achieves 100% on their reading quiz receives a Golden Ticket which gives them a chance to choose a new book for the library of their choice.
All children are expected to continue practising their speed and recall of the times tables. If they are confident with their multiplication, they can start to apply their knowledge to include division. All children have their TT Rockstars login details in their reading records so they may access TT Rockstars at home if they wish.
A variety of spelling patterns are sent home for all children to understand, practise and be confident with. They are tested regularly throughout each term on their spelling progress.
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