Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. At the Futura Learning Partnership, we aim to foster pupils’curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. We strongly believe that languages are a skill for life, and something that pupils should enjoy and find rewarding. Through learning foreign language, students also develop literacy and oracy in their own language as well as resilience and problem-solving skills.
Language learning should provide the foundation for learning further languages. We hope to expand students’ cultural knowledge whilst developing their
language skills.
Through language learning, pupils gain a sound understanding of the structure of their own language, leading to effective communication in the foreign
language. Students of all abilities can benefit from learning a foreign language, supporting and enhancing their literacy learning across the curriculum.
The Languages curriculum caters for students with varied previous language learning. It enables students to build upon prior knowledge or language learning
skills. Students are well-prepared at the end of each key stage to tackle the next steps in language learning but equally, should they choose not to continue their formal language learning, they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to use in the workplace or for leisure or to further their learning.
Inclusion: Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation.
French at Westover
At Westover Green French is part of the school curriculum for all KS2 pupils. We begin by introducing the children to the country and culture of France and spend most of the first year concentrating on spoken language. Talking then leads on to reading simple French words and phrases. By Year 6, children are expected to be reading and writing basic French. All of this learning is undertaken in an enjoyable way, with lots of reinforcement to help children grow in confidence.French ProgressionBastille Day 2023
On Friday 14th July, the whole school came together to celebrate Bastille Day.Children and staff made a fantastic effort to dress in French-related clothing and upon arrival at school, we enjoyed a French breakfast of freshly-baked croissants and pain au chocolat.Despite the weather, we enjoyed a range of activities throughout the day. Throughout the day, children had the opportunity to play boules; create artwork based on the Eiffel Tower; complete a Parisian landmark trail and demonstrated their creativity by building their own Eiffel Tower from different materials.
Despite the weather, we enjoyed a range of activities throughout the day. Children had the opportunity to play boules; create artwork based on the Eiffel Tower; complete a Parisian landmark trail and demonstrate their creativity by building their own Eiffel Tower from different materials.The day provided many curriculum-rich learning opportunities and a superb, cultural day was had by all.
Example Work Across KS2 2023-24
Our first unit has seen the children produce some excellent pieces of written work across KS2. From Year 3 where children start to write simple words and phrases right up to Year 6 where they can write several sentences to make a paragraph. This demonstrates the progress children make from year to year in French.
Year 3 |
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
World Book Day 2024
As part of our French learning for World Book Day, Year 3 and 5 enjoyed reading a book from the Berthe series and then completed tasks related to the books. Linking with our current topic of 'Healthy Living', both books were based around food and food vocabulary.
Year 3 read the book about Berthe making a pizza and then designed their own pizza and labelled it in French. Year 5 read the book about Berthe going to the supermarket and then played a memory game to collect the items on their shopping list.
French Learning at Home
If your child would like to continue their language learning at home, here are 2 free apps that you can download to support their learning.
Glurbs is a fun and interactive app that you can download for free on a tablet or mobile device. Most Y5 and 6 children have already set up a login in school which they can also use at home (if they cannot remember their details, they can easily set up a new account). The app supports the French learning in school and also enables children to revise the basics in a game-based and enjoyable way. If children choose, they can also set up a separate account and learn a bit of Spanish or Italian.
Duolingo is an app that offers a wide variety of languages to learn and therefore children can use this to support their French learning; to practise their home language or English or even attempt learning a completely new language. The app is free, fun and engaging and uses AI technology to pitch lessons at the right level for the learner. The app also ensures there are lessons across the 4 key skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking
Year 3 French Food Tasting
As part of our topic on 'Healthy Living', Year 3 have been learning the vocabulary for different foods. We finished the topic by tasting some authentic French foods: brie, roquefort, cornichons, p�t� on baguette, madeleines and grenadine. We also learnt a little bit about each food we tried. Children tried foods that they hadn't before and some foods were more popular than others!