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Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

School Attendance

At Westover Green a pupil's attendance is of vital importance in helping them to secure a good education and to access the learning opportunities being made available to them throughout the school day.

Attendance and lateness is tracked and monitored very carefully by the school attendance team (Headteacher, School Office Manager, School Office Admin Officers and Home School Liaison Worker). Additionally, the school is supported by a linked Educational Welfare Officer (EWO). Children are required to maintain an attendance of 96% and above.

For those children who's attendance falls below this level the school will start to follow the Trust's attendance policy and procedures. Parents are informed and asked to improve attendance or may be invited to meetings to discuss their child's attendance. If poor attendance is the result of an on-going medical matter, a letter to gain consent to approach the GP for confirmation will be issued.

In extreme cases of continued non-attendance a Penalty Notice will be issued.

Term time leave

Term time leave must be requested in writing to the school in advance of the leave via a term time leave request form. Only requests with exceptional circumstances will be considered. Those parents who take their children out of school without prior consent put themselves at risk of receiving a penalty notice (We actively instruct penalty fines).