• Language

Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre


Westover Green recognises that Information and Communication Technologies, including the internet, can promote learning and communication which supports and encourages creativity and independence. Technology can benefit the school community when used appropriately.

We teach our children how to stay safe when using the internet including what to do if they discover content they do not like. We also teach children what information they should and shouldn’t be sharing online. We explain the importance to ask another person’s permission before taking photographs or sharing anything about anyone else online.

At Westover Green we teach ACTIBYTES during computer lessons. ACTIBYTES provides age appropriate content towards online safety which engages children’s interest. ACTIBYTES allows the children to be involved with their learning.

Parent partnership is important to Westover Green and if you have any concerns or would like any information please do not hesitate to contact us.

At Westover Green we also follow our SMART rules from Childsnet.

Safe - you should always keep your personal information safe.

Meeting - you should never meet up with anyone from the internet.

Accepting - you should not click 'accept' or 'yes' on anything that pops up.

Reliable - only talk to people that you know in real life so you know they are reliable.

Tell - always tell an adult if you are worried, feeling uncomfortable or someone is mean to you.

Please see below links to our E-Safety corner newsletters. These can also be found in our Monthly newsletter!

October E-Safety Newsletter

Here are some useful resources for you.

Avon & Somerset Police Operation Topaz information for Parents and Schools - Feb 23

360 Assessor Final Report

Online abuse and exploitation

Top Tips for Parents

Safer Internet Presentation

Safer Internet Centre